Wednesday, April 2, 2014

AI and Robotics

 Robots can do what Humans can, IF they are properly programmed to do so. Right now I'm taking programming class and what I've been learning is how to code (simple programs to do simple task.) I learned that programming is case sensitive so one little mistake the code wont work. So I believe is the same thing with a robot. If the robot is not programmed correctly then it wont do that task you wanted it do.
Human usually makes more errors. Human makes the errors because if the human doesnt program the robot to do the task the proper way, with out checking the program and testing the program multiple times, then the robot will do the errors. But the robot does the errors because the human made an error while her or she was programming it.
 "The results of the study showed that 46 per cent of participants obeyed the robot’s orders for a full 80 minutes, even when they did not enjoy completing the task at hand." I believe that this does not prove whether the robots is a good idea to have or not. It only proves if humans listen to the robot. They should had put why the humans didn't enjoy it. Was it because the robot was spitting out task really fast and not giving them time? or Was it because it was too much or too long?


  1. I agree, I believe robots will eventually take over the world. Also, I am very interested in taking programming courses.

  2. Yes robots will soon take over I believe too, but I hope not soon because I don't want them to change and become bad like in the movie I-robot. So I believe there has to be a lot of constant testing so that won't happen. When robots are giving particular orders.
